
Town Clerk

There are many ways that the Town of West Rutland works to serve the community. If you need information on or assistance with a particular town function or service, this sections of the website should be helpful to you. 

The Town Clerk is responsible for the recording and maintenance of all documents pertaining to land records, births, deaths, marriage and civil union records, issuing licenses for marriage, civil union, dogs, liquor and tobacco, voter registration, notary services and motor vehicle registration renewal.




Debora Jasmin, Town Clerk

Location:  35 Marble Street                                                                                  
Phone Number:  (802) 438-2204
Hours:  9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Monday through Thursday.  The Clerk’s office will be closed the Monday before all Election Days.


Christine Wener, Assistant Town Clerk

Location:  35 Marble Street                                                                                  
Phone Number:  (802) 438-2204
Hours:  9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Monday through Thursday.  The Clerk’s office will be closed the Monday before all Election Days.     



Services the Town Clerk’s Office Provides

– Licenses:  Marriage, Civil Union, Dog, Liquor
– Motor Vehicle Registration Renewals
– Purchase certified copies of birth, death, marriage, civil union & land records
– Register to vote and vote by absentee
– Notary Services
– Recording of all land records for the Town of West Rutland

Information about the upcoming election on Tuesday March 4, 2025.

We will be voting 3 ballots. One for Local Elections, One for the Quarry Valley Unified Union School District and One for the Proposed Bond for the Wastewater Treatment Facility.
For this election, voters will need to request an Absentee Ballot if you want to vote by mail. Please contact the Town Clerk’s office to request an absentee ballot.

Polls are open at 10 am until 7 pm on Tuesday March 4, 2025 at the West Rutland Town Hall Auditorium.

Click here to view Voting Warnings

Click the links below to view the March 4, 2025 Voting Ballots

Special Article I Ballot

Town & Quarry Valley UU School Ballot

Quarry Valley Article 7 & 8 Ballot

Land Record Searches

Marriage or Civil Union License:
To apply for a Marriage or Civil Union License, you will need to complete the “Application for Vermont License of Civil Marriage” form (click link below), and return it to the West Rutland Town Clerk’s office.  Once received, the license will be processed and both parties will need to come to the Town Clerk’s office to sign the document.  The fee for the license is $60.00 (payable by cash or check made out to “Town of West Rutland”).  If you wish to have a certified copy of the Certificate sent to you, please enclose an additional $10.   The license is valid for 60 days. For a list of West Rutland Justices of the Peace, see below.  If you need further information, please email or call the Town Clerk’s office.

Application for Vermont License of Civil Marriage

Town of West Rutland Justices of the Peace:

Marci Barrows – 802-438-6174
Tom Burditt – 802-438-0031
John Harvey – 802-438-2086
Paul Kulig – 802-438-5075
Robert Harvey – 802-438-0048
Patricia Kulig – 802-438-5075
Elizabeth Moser – 802-438-2464
David O’Rourke – 802-345-1008

Barbara Trepanier – 802-438-5018

Vehicle Registration Renewals:
For your convenience you can now renew your Vehicle Registration at the Town Clerk’s Office and renew it on the spot. Please bring a check or money order payable to “DMV of VT”. There is also a handling fee of $3.00 to the town. You can pay the handling fee in cash or check.

Dog Licenses

Due to the retirement of our local veterinarian, WE WILL NO LONGER HOLD the Rabies Clinics.

All dogs owned in the Town of West Rutland must be registered with the Town Clerk before April 1st of each year. Please bring an original copy of the current rabies certificate and cash, check or money order payable to “Town of West Rutland.”   Checks can be mailed or dropped in the drop box at the Town Hall. Your new license will be mailed to you. 

If you should have any questions, call the Town Clerk’s Office at  802 438-2204.

Dog License Fees are as follows:
Before April 1:
Neutered/Spayed – $20.00
Un-neutered/Spayed – $24.00
After April 1:
Neutered/Spayed – $22.00
Un-neutered/Spayed – $28.00  

Copies of Birth and Death Certificates

As of July 1, 2019, to obtain a certified copy of a birth or death certificate, the “Application for Certified Copy of Vermont Birth or Death Certificate” (click link below) needs to be completed and returned to the Town Clerk’s office.  Please enclose a check or money order, payable to “Town of West Rutland” for $10.00.  The form can be dropped off at the Town Clerk’s office or mailed to “Town of West Rutland, attn: Town Clerk”, 35 Marble Street, West Rutland, VT 05777.  

Application for Certified Copy of Vt. Birth/Death Certificate

Copies of Marriage/Civil Union Certificates
To obtain a certified copy of a Marriage or Civil Union license that was obtained at the West Rutland Town Clerk’s office, call, mail, or e-mail the request to the Town Clerk.  The fee is $10.00 for each certified copy.  

BCA Agendas

February 18

BCA Minutes


February 18


Contact the West Rutland Town Office

Comments? Questions? Interested in moving to the area?